flash recovery
How to update your Twpr version via Twrp
Follow these steps:
Pre requisites:
⏩Android phone with twrp recovery installed
⏩Twrp zip updated zip file for your android device
⏩Battery 40% - 50% charged
⏩Twrp zip updated zip file for your android device
⏩Battery 40% - 50% charged
Follow these steps:
Step 1:
First download latest twrp recovery for your phone
And paste it to your internal storage and not in folder in folder.
First download latest twrp recovery for your phone
And paste it to your internal storage and not in folder in folder.
Step 2:
Turn off your device and press volume down and power button simultaneously.
Turn off your device and press volume down and power button simultaneously.
Note : Methods for going in recovery may differ for different phones you can google it for your device.
Alternative Method:- You can also get into recovery mode by Reebot recovery app but make sure your has root access.
Step 3: In Twrp go to install option and find your Twrp latest file which will be in zip format.
Step 4: Select this zip file and flash it & it will take 10-15sec to get finished flashing process.
Bingo! You Updated your Twrp recovery.